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Do You Like to Sing?

Singing together is a special joy and we are thrilled to be able to gather together to share our music. We would love to welcome you as a new (or returning) member.


We rehearse on Thursdays evenings in the sanctuary (except for summer months). We can offer a zoom link to rehearsals if you aren't feeling well and still want to be able to sing/listen in on rehearsals to protect the health of others.


We typically sing an anthem and one or two hymns at Sunday services.


If you are interested in joining the choir, you can contact our Music Director, Kenneth Griffith, for more information at, or just come to any rehearsal.

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101 Forest Avenue

Swampscott, MA 01907

United States (US)


Phone: 781-595-8836


Join us for worship this Sunday morning at 10am

We are an LGBTQ welcoming congregation

© 2024 Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Lynn | Website design by Mary KG

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