The Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Lynn builds and promotes programming that serves as a “home base” from which lifelong learners explore and grow. Designed to move congregants along the Path of Engagement, all programming at UUCGL is based in Unitarian Universalist values and falls under the auspices of the church’s faith development program.
UUCGL has a strong commitment to building a diverse and multicultural Beloved Community through programming and experience that is specifically anti-racist and anti-oppressive.
Programming at UUCGL is constructed to reflect one or more of the Seven Cornerstones of Home Base. These include:
Small Group Ministry, Ministry to Youth and Children, Social Justice, Eco-Spirituality, Spiritual Exploration, and Embodied Spiritual Practice.

If you would like to learn more about programming at the church, please read the Home Base Program Cornerstones and Guidelines.
To propose a program for the church, please click here for the application form.