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We believe that the spiritual journey is a lifelong process. Support and participation in community is essential. The challenges of our contemporary society are ever new and changing. Boundaries of knowledge and of inspiration continue to expand. We grow by drawing on the wisdom of the ages, the inner spark of our own spirit, and thoughtful conversation with others.


All our events and programs for children and adults are open to the larger community.

Image looking down on the message "passion led us here"
Chris Message
Chldren's Faith Devel

Worship and learning every Sunday, 10-11am.

Evening programming for 4th grade & up on select Sundays, September – June.

Your family is invited to join in the exploration and celebration. We’re delighted to have you with us!


You don’t need to go it alone. Parents and caregivers come to Unitarian Universalist (UU) congregations because our communities help raise children to be kind, respectful, fair-minded, caring, and strong enough to side with love, fight for justice, and be good environmental stewards. We nurture truth-seeking, spirituality, and a commitment to healing divisiveness in our world that will continue to shape and support our children as they grow. 


Here are some things we’ve been doing at UUCGL lately...

  • Learning about native plants & stewardship of the Earth

  • Acting, designing sets, & making our own video productions

  • Visiting neighboring churches & learning about the world’s faith traditions

  • Making meals for families facing food insecurity

  • Exploring the world through art

  • Embarking on field trips & active learning projects


Questions? Read more about our programs below and then come visit! Reach out to our Minister of Community Life and Learning, Rev. Chris Scheller with any questions and to coordinate your visit. After a few visits, if you’d like to attend more, please register all PreK-12th graders through this link.

Children's Programming at UUCGL

Sunday Morning Programs

• PreK – 6th Grade

• Multiage Programs & Worship

• Nursery

REGISTER your child here

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Pre-K – 6th Grade

On Sunday mornings during worship from 10-11am our pre-K–6th graders learn through doing, and this year we have some wonderful STEM and arts-based activities, service projects, and our popular video storytelling productions in the Sunday morning lineup. Through these projects, children are encouraged to embody and critically engage with our values-based curriculum in playful ways that support their own independent thinking.


This year, all K-1st graders are invited to join our Our Whole Lives: Sexuality Education class from 8:45-9:45am on select Sundays, October-December. This age-appropriate curriculum helps parents and caregivers educate their child about bodies, gender, boundaries, families, conception, birth, and babies. Questions? Check out our OWL webpage here, or contact Rev. Chris Scheller for more info. To see the schedule and details, and to express interest, please use our OWL registration form here.

CLICK HERE to see some pictures!


Multiage Programs and Worship

7th-12th graders are always invited to join our PreK-6th grade Sunday morning programs. However, roughly twice a month they are encouraged to participate in our multiage video storytelling productions (check out our last video here) or in a service project, such as putting together meals for My Brother’s Table guests. On Sunday evenings this year, we will offer an OWL class for 4th-5th graders  and a Youth Group for our 8th-12th graders (see below).


Look for a sign in the foyer on Sunday mornings as you enter to let you know where children and youth programming will begin. Sometimes they will begin in worship with adults, but more often than not they will begin in the Skylight Room right at 10am for their own opening rituals. Parents or guardians may drop off their children to program, as well as the nursery, anytime between 9:45am-10am, as worship begins at 10am, and then meet back up with them after worship at the start of Fellowship Hour in the Parish Hall. Children and youth are always welcome to worship with their parents or guardians instead of attending programming throughout the year.




For children younger than pre-K, we provide childcare in our nursery during the Sunday Service. We have a dedicated Childcare Provider and always abide by our Safe Church Policies and Guidelines. 



Sunday Afternoon Programs

• Our Whole Lives (OWL)

• Youth Group

REGISTER your child here

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Our Whole Lives (OWL)

Honest, accurate information about bodies, boundaries, and sexuality changes lives. It dismantles the stereotypes and assumptions so commonplace in today’s society, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, fosters healthy relationships, improves decision making, and has the potential to save lives. For these reasons and more, we are proud to offer Our Whole Lives (OWL), a comprehensive, lifespan sexuality education curricula. Read more about our programs HERE.

On Sunday evenings this year, we will offer an OWL class for 4th-5th graders from 3:30-4:45pm. Our Whole Lives: Sexuality Education for Grades 4-5 helps children learn about and discuss the physical, emotional changes, and social changes of puberty. For more information, click HERE.



Youth Group (8th –12th Grade)

Core to our Youth Group model is youth leadership development. Each year, the Youth Group is invited into the process of choosing service projects that reflect their values and priorities, as well as fun social outings they’d like to do together. All youth in grades 8-12 are welcome to join our Youth Group, which meets roughly twice a month either on Sunday evenings or at another time depending on the activities they choose to do.​

CLICK HERE to see pictures!



Dungeons & Dragons Role-playing Group

This is a fairly new group and we're welcoming all interested 6th graders and up! Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or a beginner, come join us for a fun, collaborative, and creative experience. We meet once or twice a month on Sundays from 12:30-2:30pm. All adults connected to the congregation are welcome to join too (parents and non-parents)! If you're interested or want more info, reach out to Chris Scheller at


Older Youth
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101 Forest Avenue

Swampscott, MA 01907

United States (US)


Phone: 781-595-8836


Join us for worship this Sunday morning at 10am

We are an LGBTQ welcoming congregation

© 2024 Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Lynn | Website design by Mary KG

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