Faith Development Mission & Vision:
Lifespan Religious Education, rooted in our vibrant and diverse community, seeks to provide freedom, support, and resources for the discovery, emergence and cultivation of the individual and collective spiritual journey.
Vision Statement
We strive to nurture these elements of Lifespan Religious Education.
Freedom springing from—
A community that welcomes and honors diversity of needs and gifts.
Exploration of a multiplicity of religious ideas and practices.
A range of volunteer opportunities allowing for individual choice & contribution.
The weaving together of opportunities for individual introspection & discovery, with active participation in community.
An expanded understanding of religious education – “The curriculum” is everything we do here.
Support rooted in—
A lifespan perspective, providing offerings for children, youth, and adults.
Community creation & ownership of programming.
Volunteers and professional staff working in concert.
A focus on Unitarian Universalism as a distinct faith tradition, informed and enlightened by other religions of the world.
Opportunities for fellowship, play and social action at church and in the greater community.
Sustenance and development for volunteers, and for parents as religious educators in their own families.
Resources to be utilized and cultivated—
Professional staff providing energy, warmth and depth of knowledge.
Teachings in religious thought, practice and ethics offerings available and accessible for all ages and abilities.
An array of dynamic, relevant curricula and media.
A rich variety of activities seeking to meet diverse interests and learning styles.
Stewardship of the endowment generously designated for Religious Education.
Esthetic environment and space, carefully maintained for beneficial use.