Information Resources
Substacks, Podcasts, Tik Tok, & YouTube links:
Snyder’s Substack: How to Resist Destruction of the Federal Government
Heather Cox Richardson Substack
Heather Cox Richardson YouTube on Red Wine & Blue’s
Reich's list of 10 things you can do
The Rachel Maddow Show YouTube Playlist
The Anti-Authoritarian Podcast
Tik Tok: @jamellebouie, NYT columnist. Short takes, brilliant analysis
Truthout.org. Website with up-to-date developments on the latest from Washington. Organized by social justice concern categories: HealthCare, Trans Rights, Immigrants, Elon Musk, Palestine.
Combating Fascisms — Side With Love
Harnessing Our Power To End Political Violence 2024
Making An Activism/Organizing Plan — A Template
Action Resources
Learn as much about the organization before contacting them. Attend volunteer trainings before volunteering. Visit websites, learn acronyms, pay close attention to contact information, dates, times and links. Do not create more work for organizers. Do not share links or any other information on unencrypted devices or on social media.
Immigration court accompaniment remains among the ways we are called to show up in solidarity with members of our community most threatened with deportation.
UU Mass Action. A great resource for legislative action and other advocacy.
5 Calls. This is a great app to help you in reaching out to your elected officials about issues that matter to you.
Choose Democracy via ActionNetwork.org
updated 2/24/25